Announcing Bonjoro for Shopify: the future of customer thanking

Oliver Bridge

Since 2017, at Bonjoro we've been on a mission to help every business connect with their customers no matter where they live or work.

Quick personal videos to show someone you care.

Whether that's a new lead, customer, applicant, or buyer.

We believe that if someone has spent the time to interact with your business or brand, they deserve your time in return.

In fact, our guiding ethos along the way has been this:

"Automate business processes, but never customer relationships."

Fast forward to 2024, and we want to double down on that vision. And bring it deeper into the world of eCommerce.

Into your world.

That's why from today, we're helping every Shopify store across the world do truly personalized customer thanking at speed and scale.

Introducing Bonjoro for Shopify

image showing a happy shopify customer receiving a thank you video

So Bonjoro for Shopify.

What is it, and how does it work?

Put simply it lets you delight your buyers with personalized thank-you videos right after the make a purchase or subscribe to your list.

All in the name of getting more repeat sales and word of mouth. And building amazing customer relationships along the way.

Image of a customer testimonial from one of Bonjoro's customers called Anders, founder of a Good Company

It's super easy to use, and works in 3 simple steps.

Step 1 - Connect your store to Bonjoro

The first step to sending your thank-you videos is to create a workflow to send them at the right moment.

Want to send a video to new customers? Create workflow based on first purchase.

Want to send a video to repeat customers? Create a workflow based on a returning customer.

You can even add filters to your workflows to dial them in a bit harder.

Let's say you only want to thank customers who make a purchase above $100. Add a filter to create tasks for "new Order, over $100 order value"

Here's how it all looks inside Bonjoro when you're setting it up:

You can also create workspaces to keep all of your video thanking for each customer moment neat and tidy. For example, a workspace for first-time customers, a workspace for repeat customers, and a workspace for newsletter subscribers.

Oh, and something totally unique to Bonjoro. You can pull through fields from your POS, so they are visible when recording your videos. Let's say you need to see how much they spent and what they bought, you can select those fields from your store, like this:

Step 2 - Send personal thank-you videos

Once you've created your workflows, you'll be notified whenever you need to record a video. Then it's just a case of hitting record and firing off a video.

To help keep this process super repeatable and scalable, you can set up pre-saved templates that apply your branding and messaging to each video you record.

Say, for example, you want to send personal thank-you videos to new buyers, and invite them to your customer loyalty program in that video. You can create a template called something like "New customer (loyalty program invite)".

In fact this is what one of our customers does, and here's how it looks:

The cool thing about these templates is that you can create a unique template for each point in the customer journey. So like we said above, you could have a different template for each touchpoint like new subscriber welcomes, first-time customer thanking, and repeat customer thank-yous.

For your team, the whole process is super easy. They get notified when a new video needs to be recorded. They check their tasklist, and click record to make a video for that customer. Here's how their tasklist looks by the way.

example image showing bonjoros tasklist inside the product

When you create your workflows and workspaces, you can select it to assign the tasks to a specific team member, and apply a template when they hit send. And they get to pick if they record from the web app, or from their mobile phone.

They hit record, shoot a quick 30s-1m thank-you video, then hit send, or schedule it to go later.

You can see how we've set everything up to be simple, repeatable, and quick!

N.B - super scale your sending with Rollup videos

We should also mention a neat feature we have called Rollups.

Basically this lets you send one video to up to 200 customers at a time. Simply select which tasks you want to "roll up", click Rollup, and then record one video for that task.

example of rolling up multiple tasks into one

Hit send, and our clever system will send it out to each customer individually, mail merging their first name in where you add the merge tag. This feature is awesome for stores that get bigger sales volumes, or if your team gets behind on their weekly thank-you tasks.

One of our customers, Goat Milk Stuff, uses this feature to send 1000s of personal thank-yous every Friday. Here's an example video:

example video recorded by bonjoro customer goat milk stuff

Step 3 - Grow repeat sales & customer loyalty

Bonjoro has already been used by 1000s of Ecommerce stores using our existing integration with Shopify, and other stores via Zapier.

Like Iain at Bewilderbeest, who turned a £3 purchase into a £1000+ customer.

Or Anders Ankarlid from A Good Company increased repeat sales by 32%.

Or Goat Milk Stuff, who send 1000s of thank-you videos at scale to delight their customers.

a testimonial from bonjoro's customer tyler mccombs at devon + lang

Proper customer thanking just works!

That's why we just knew we had to bring Bonjoro properly into the Shopify ecosystem.

To get started and give it a try yourself, just head over to the Bonjoro Shopify app listing, and install it for your store.

You get a free 14 day trial, and we also have a free plan that includes up to 50 videos so you can test it out for your store without paying anything.

How to get started with Bonjoro for Shopify

It's so simple!

Just head to our app listing inside the Shopify app store.

Click install app, and we'll guide you through the rest.

screenshot of bonjoro's shopify app listing

Once you've got your store connected, set up your first workflow for thanking customers, for example "new buyers over $50", and we'll notify you when you and your team need to record your thank-you videos.

notifications showing someone has made a purchase

You can record them from your desktop or our handy mobile apps (ios and Android), so you can delight your customers as you go about growing your Ecommerce business.

a bonjoro customer recording a thank-you video on their mobile phone

Can't wait to hear the results you get! Let alone all the new customer relationships you will build along the way.

Have fun!

Product news
About the author
Oliver Bridge
Growth Grizzly
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