Why Video is Sales’ Secret Sauce

Oliver Bridge

There are countless reasons why all sales teams should use video. But, the primary reason is, sales is changing.

Approximately 90% of buyers won’t answer a cold call, while 53% feel that going online and doing their own research is preferable to interacting with a sales rep. In response, reps need to switch gears and offer something more than what buyers can easily find themselves through a few Google searches.

According to research from Sales Loft, sales teams that use video in their sales funnels have seen 20% higher close rates, 30% larger annual contract rates, and 8 times more opens-to-responses.

Here are a few key areas where video can help you build relationships and close more deals.

The Bones of a Sales Conversation

Let’s start by talking about what makes up a successful sales interaction. On a base level, a successful sales interaction should accomplish the following:

  • Build Rapport: Ask discovery questions, put prospect at ease, build trust, create a personal connection.
  • Lay Out Expectations: Communicate the reason for the conversation, plus dicuss a list of what you plan on covering in the conversation.
  • Uncovering Challenges, Goals, Motivations: Typically involves a series of open-ended questions that reveal what prospects are looking for.
  • Communicating Value: What’s in it for your prospect? How can you show them why your solution will improve their situation?
  • Making the Ask: The call should result in a next step. Could be closing the deal or simply getting the prospect to sign up for a demo, trial, or another discussion.
  • Overcoming Objections: Have answers prepared for common objections.

Video changes the game. Personal video can help build rapport well before the initial conversation happens because you’re making the “face-to-face” connection during the cold call stage.

You can also use video to let customers know why you’re reaching out or showcase how a product works in a visually compelling manner. And then, further down the line, video allows you to use yourself as a resource by answering questions or leading tutorials.

Video Prospecting

Nothing warms up a cold email like a personal message. Video prospecting allows you to personalize communications with a person who hasn’t met you yet—something that is extremely valuable during the cold outreach phase in the sales cycle.

HubSpot found that using video prospecting resulted in a 6% conversion rate, as opposed to the 1.5% average conversion rate associated with voicemails, calls, and standard email, and increased the number of opportunities in their pipeline by 400%.


With video, you can make a quick intro, bring up a pain point you know this prospect is having, and rattle off some of the areas where you can add value. This initial video should be relatively short. It’s designed to highlight some quick wins for the prospect and get them interested in learning more.

With that in mind, here are a few things to consider as you put together your cold video emails:

  • Hook the Viewer: Let the viewer know why you’re reaching out and be sure to tell them that the video is personalized to their needs.
  • Highlight Benefits: How is what you’re selling useful to the viewer? Show the screen or product in the video and directly connect the offering to a pain point.
  • Prompts Action: End by giving the viewer a clear call-to-action. What is it you want this person to do next?
  • Keep it Short: Again, this is an introduction. Keep the length to a tight 80-90 seconds, max.
  • Include “Video” in the Subject Line: Be sure you make it clear that there’s a video inside the email body.


In sales, follow-ups can be pretty awkward. But, they’re an essential piece of the puzzle. In fact, roughly 80% of sales require five follow-up attempts, yet 44% of reps give up after just one attempt.

Video gives reps a better way to “check in” without sending one of those horrible, “just touching base” emails (please, don’t do that). Say thank you, provide additional info, share content that builds on what was discussed during the last call.

A few ways that teams can improve their follow-up strategy with video:

  • Video Screen Share: Consider following up after a conversation by creating a custom “mini-demo” to paint a clear picture of what you’ve discussed earlier.
  • Send Video After Booking a Meeting: Reduce the number of no-shows by sending a video reminder ahead of a meeting.
  • Reach Out with Valuable Content: Content should be relevant to the individual, giving them a reason to respond. Be sure to keep detailed notes in your CRM so you can add more contextual info to your follow-up video.
  • Send a Proposal: Why does this person need your product? How can you help them? Hit these points again, but take things a step further by proposing specific terms.


According to CSO Insights, sellers are being viewed as a less valuable resource than ever. Buyers are less likely to engage with a rep early on in their decision-making process and nearly two-thirds end up choosing a seller because they are “a little better than the competition.”


Instead of forcing buyers to scour the web for more information, why not make things easier and bring it to them?

Taking this approach can help you differentiate your brand as a solution that’s more than a little better than the competition.

Here are a few ways you can position yourself as a resource:

  • Answer Questions: How does the product work? How much does it cost? What kind of features are included? What is the ideal use case? The list goes on, but customers will need a clear understanding of what your product does before they’re willing to take the leap and sign a contract. Record a video that covers FAQs, as well as how someone in their industry/situation can use your product/service.
  • Explain How to Use a Product: A video tutorial is another great way to give people a clear picture of how a product will fit into their lives. To really impress prospects, try recording a customized walk-through of how someone in their situation might use this tool using screen-capture.
  • Highlight Areas Where Your Solution Adds Value: Video are better at demonstrating value than text, as it gives people a chance to see a product in action. On a more “emotional level” seeing another person show that they care about solving their problems helps humanize both you and your product.

Video Onboarding

Once you land a deal, your work isn’t done, you need to continue proving your value so that customers stick around long-term.

Personalized videos can help you guide new clients through the set-up and share best practices so that they start off with a solid foundation.  

One of our customers, ConvertKit was able to decrease customer churn by 14.7% in part because they switched from onboarding emails to personalized welcome messages tailored to each new customer.


  • Adjust Onboarding Instructions Based on Customer Segment: Different segments will approach your tool differently. Make sure that you welcome new users with instructions that make sense based on their unique situation.
  • Run a Video Drip Campaign for New Customers: If you have a long list of features, tips, or tricks, break up your onboarding content into shorter sections so you don’t overwhelm your customers.
  • Add Stories and Use Cases to Onboarding Videos: Share success stories from other customers that both highlight potential wins and make it clear why certain features exist.

Is Video Selling Really Such a Secret?

There’s no doubt that video is a powerful tool for selling. Yet, somehow, it remains underused.

The biggest barrier to video selling is, likely, intimidation. Reps are convinced that it’s hard and their bosses believe that it’s too expensive. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Bonjoro’s top-tier plan is just $45 a month and reps can record video from their smartphone or computer--no need to invest in a bunch of recording audio equipment or fancy lenses.

While it may take some time for sales reps to get comfortable on the camera, video selling is no harder than making cold calls or drafting an email—and the recipient is more likely to welcome a personal video than see it as an impersonal attempt to sell.

Start your free Bonjoro trial today to start personalizing your sales funnel.

There are countless reasons why all sales teams should use video. But, the primary reason is, sales is changing.

Approximately 90% of buyers won’t answer a cold call, while 53% feel that going online and doing their own research is preferable to interacting with a sales rep. In response, reps need to switch gears and offer something more than what buyers can easily find themselves through a few Google searches.

According to research from Sales Loft, sales teams that use video in their sales funnels have seen 20% higher close rates, 30% larger annual contract rates, and 8 times more opens-to-responses.

Here are a few key areas where video can help you build relationships and close more deals.

The Bones of a Sales Conversation

Let’s start by talking about what makes up a successful sales interaction. On a base level, a successful sales interaction should accomplish the following:

  • Build Rapport: Ask discovery questions, put prospect at ease, build trust, create a personal connection.
  • Lay Out Expectations: Communicate the reason for the conversation, plus dicuss a list of what you plan on covering in the conversation.
  • Uncovering Challenges, Goals, Motivations: Typically involves a series of open-ended questions that reveal what prospects are looking for.
  • Communicating Value: What’s in it for your prospect? How can you show them why your solution will improve their situation?
  • Making the Ask: The call should result in a next step. Could be closing the deal or simply getting the prospect to sign up for a demo, trial, or another discussion.
  • Overcoming Objections: Have answers prepared for common objections.

Video changes the game. Personal video can help build rapport well before the initial conversation happens because you’re making the “face-to-face” connection during the cold call stage.

You can also use video to let customers know why you’re reaching out or showcase how a product works in a visually compelling manner. And then, further down the line, video allows you to use yourself as a resource by answering questions or leading tutorials.

Video Prospecting

Nothing warms up a cold email like a personal message. Video prospecting allows you to personalize communications with a person who hasn’t met you yet—something that is extremely valuable during the cold outreach phase in the sales cycle.

HubSpot found that using video prospecting resulted in a 6% conversion rate, as opposed to the 1.5% average conversion rate associated with voicemails, calls, and standard email, and increased the number of opportunities in their pipeline by 400%.


With video, you can make a quick intro, bring up a pain point you know this prospect is having, and rattle off some of the areas where you can add value. This initial video should be relatively short. It’s designed to highlight some quick wins for the prospect and get them interested in learning more.

With that in mind, here are a few things to consider as you put together your cold video emails:

  • Hook the Viewer: Let the viewer know why you’re reaching out and be sure to tell them that the video is personalized to their needs.
  • Highlight Benefits: How is what you’re selling useful to the viewer? Show the screen or product in the video and directly connect the offering to a pain point.
  • Prompts Action: End by giving the viewer a clear call-to-action. What is it you want this person to do next?
  • Keep it Short: Again, this is an introduction. Keep the length to a tight 80-90 seconds, max.
  • Include “Video” in the Subject Line: Be sure you make it clear that there’s a video inside the email body.


In sales, follow-ups can be pretty awkward. But, they’re an essential piece of the puzzle. In fact, roughly 80% of sales require five follow-up attempts, yet 44% of reps give up after just one attempt.

Video gives reps a better way to “check in” without sending one of those horrible, “just touching base” emails (please, don’t do that). Say thank you, provide additional info, share content that builds on what was discussed during the last call.

A few ways that teams can improve their follow-up strategy with video:

  • Video Screen Share: Consider following up after a conversation by creating a custom “mini-demo” to paint a clear picture of what you’ve discussed earlier.
  • Send Video After Booking a Meeting: Reduce the number of no-shows by sending a video reminder ahead of a meeting.
  • Reach Out with Valuable Content: Content should be relevant to the individual, giving them a reason to respond. Be sure to keep detailed notes in your CRM so you can add more contextual info to your follow-up video.
  • Send a Proposal: Why does this person need your product? How can you help them? Hit these points again, but take things a step further by proposing specific terms.


According to CSO Insights, sellers are being viewed as a less valuable resource than ever. Buyers are less likely to engage with a rep early on in their decision-making process and nearly two-thirds end up choosing a seller because they are “a little better than the competition.”


Instead of forcing buyers to scour the web for more information, why not make things easier and bring it to them?

Taking this approach can help you differentiate your brand as a solution that’s more than a little better than the competition.

Here are a few ways you can position yourself as a resource:

  • Answer Questions: How does the product work? How much does it cost? What kind of features are included? What is the ideal use case? The list goes on, but customers will need a clear understanding of what your product does before they’re willing to take the leap and sign a contract. Record a video that covers FAQs, as well as how someone in their industry/situation can use your product/service.
  • Explain How to Use a Product: A video tutorial is another great way to give people a clear picture of how a product will fit into their lives. To really impress prospects, try recording a customized walk-through of how someone in their situation might use this tool using screen-capture.
  • Highlight Areas Where Your Solution Adds Value: Video are better at demonstrating value than text, as it gives people a chance to see a product in action. On a more “emotional level” seeing another person show that they care about solving their problems helps humanize both you and your product.

Video Onboarding

Once you land a deal, your work isn’t done, you need to continue proving your value so that customers stick around long-term.

Personalized videos can help you guide new clients through the set-up and share best practices so that they start off with a solid foundation.  

One of our customers, ConvertKit was able to decrease customer churn by 14.7% in part because they switched from onboarding emails to personalized welcome messages tailored to each new customer.


  • Adjust Onboarding Instructions Based on Customer Segment: Different segments will approach your tool differently. Make sure that you welcome new users with instructions that make sense based on their unique situation.
  • Run a Video Drip Campaign for New Customers: If you have a long list of features, tips, or tricks, break up your onboarding content into shorter sections so you don’t overwhelm your customers.
  • Add Stories and Use Cases to Onboarding Videos: Share success stories from other customers that both highlight potential wins and make it clear why certain features exist.

Is Video Selling Really Such a Secret?

There’s no doubt that video is a powerful tool for selling. Yet, somehow, it remains underused.

The biggest barrier to video selling is, likely, intimidation. Reps are convinced that it’s hard and their bosses believe that it’s too expensive. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Bonjoro’s top-tier plan is just $45 a month and reps can record video from their smartphone or computer--no need to invest in a bunch of recording audio equipment or fancy lenses.

While it may take some time for sales reps to get comfortable on the camera, video selling is no harder than making cold calls or drafting an email—and the recipient is more likely to welcome a personal video than see it as an impersonal attempt to sell.

Start your free Bonjoro trial today to start personalizing your sales funnel.

There are countless reasons why all sales teams should use video. But, the primary reason is, sales is changing.

Approximately 90% of buyers won’t answer a cold call, while 53% feel that going online and doing their own research is preferable to interacting with a sales rep. In response, reps need to switch gears and offer something more than what buyers can easily find themselves through a few Google searches.

According to research from Sales Loft, sales teams that use video in their sales funnels have seen 20% higher close rates, 30% larger annual contract rates, and 8 times more opens-to-responses.

Here are a few key areas where video can help you build relationships and close more deals.

The Bones of a Sales Conversation

Let’s start by talking about what makes up a successful sales interaction. On a base level, a successful sales interaction should accomplish the following:

  • Build Rapport: Ask discovery questions, put prospect at ease, build trust, create a personal connection.
  • Lay Out Expectations: Communicate the reason for the conversation, plus dicuss a list of what you plan on covering in the conversation.
  • Uncovering Challenges, Goals, Motivations: Typically involves a series of open-ended questions that reveal what prospects are looking for.
  • Communicating Value: What’s in it for your prospect? How can you show them why your solution will improve their situation?
  • Making the Ask: The call should result in a next step. Could be closing the deal or simply getting the prospect to sign up for a demo, trial, or another discussion.
  • Overcoming Objections: Have answers prepared for common objections.

Video changes the game. Personal video can help build rapport well before the initial conversation happens because you’re making the “face-to-face” connection during the cold call stage.

You can also use video to let customers know why you’re reaching out or showcase how a product works in a visually compelling manner. And then, further down the line, video allows you to use yourself as a resource by answering questions or leading tutorials.

Video Prospecting

Nothing warms up a cold email like a personal message. Video prospecting allows you to personalize communications with a person who hasn’t met you yet—something that is extremely valuable during the cold outreach phase in the sales cycle.

HubSpot found that using video prospecting resulted in a 6% conversion rate, as opposed to the 1.5% average conversion rate associated with voicemails, calls, and standard email, and increased the number of opportunities in their pipeline by 400%.


With video, you can make a quick intro, bring up a pain point you know this prospect is having, and rattle off some of the areas where you can add value. This initial video should be relatively short. It’s designed to highlight some quick wins for the prospect and get them interested in learning more.

With that in mind, here are a few things to consider as you put together your cold video emails:

  • Hook the Viewer: Let the viewer know why you’re reaching out and be sure to tell them that the video is personalized to their needs.
  • Highlight Benefits: How is what you’re selling useful to the viewer? Show the screen or product in the video and directly connect the offering to a pain point.
  • Prompts Action: End by giving the viewer a clear call-to-action. What is it you want this person to do next?
  • Keep it Short: Again, this is an introduction. Keep the length to a tight 80-90 seconds, max.
  • Include “Video” in the Subject Line: Be sure you make it clear that there’s a video inside the email body.


In sales, follow-ups can be pretty awkward. But, they’re an essential piece of the puzzle. In fact, roughly 80% of sales require five follow-up attempts, yet 44% of reps give up after just one attempt.

Video gives reps a better way to “check in” without sending one of those horrible, “just touching base” emails (please, don’t do that). Say thank you, provide additional info, share content that builds on what was discussed during the last call.

A few ways that teams can improve their follow-up strategy with video:

  • Video Screen Share: Consider following up after a conversation by creating a custom “mini-demo” to paint a clear picture of what you’ve discussed earlier.
  • Send Video After Booking a Meeting: Reduce the number of no-shows by sending a video reminder ahead of a meeting.
  • Reach Out with Valuable Content: Content should be relevant to the individual, giving them a reason to respond. Be sure to keep detailed notes in your CRM so you can add more contextual info to your follow-up video.
  • Send a Proposal: Why does this person need your product? How can you help them? Hit these points again, but take things a step further by proposing specific terms.


According to CSO Insights, sellers are being viewed as a less valuable resource than ever. Buyers are less likely to engage with a rep early on in their decision-making process and nearly two-thirds end up choosing a seller because they are “a little better than the competition.”


Instead of forcing buyers to scour the web for more information, why not make things easier and bring it to them?

Taking this approach can help you differentiate your brand as a solution that’s more than a little better than the competition.

Here are a few ways you can position yourself as a resource:

  • Answer Questions: How does the product work? How much does it cost? What kind of features are included? What is the ideal use case? The list goes on, but customers will need a clear understanding of what your product does before they’re willing to take the leap and sign a contract. Record a video that covers FAQs, as well as how someone in their industry/situation can use your product/service.
  • Explain How to Use a Product: A video tutorial is another great way to give people a clear picture of how a product will fit into their lives. To really impress prospects, try recording a customized walk-through of how someone in their situation might use this tool using screen-capture.
  • Highlight Areas Where Your Solution Adds Value: Video are better at demonstrating value than text, as it gives people a chance to see a product in action. On a more “emotional level” seeing another person show that they care about solving their problems helps humanize both you and your product.

Video Onboarding

Once you land a deal, your work isn’t done, you need to continue proving your value so that customers stick around long-term.

Personalized videos can help you guide new clients through the set-up and share best practices so that they start off with a solid foundation.  

One of our customers, ConvertKit was able to decrease customer churn by 14.7% in part because they switched from onboarding emails to personalized welcome messages tailored to each new customer.


  • Adjust Onboarding Instructions Based on Customer Segment: Different segments will approach your tool differently. Make sure that you welcome new users with instructions that make sense based on their unique situation.
  • Run a Video Drip Campaign for New Customers: If you have a long list of features, tips, or tricks, break up your onboarding content into shorter sections so you don’t overwhelm your customers.
  • Add Stories and Use Cases to Onboarding Videos: Share success stories from other customers that both highlight potential wins and make it clear why certain features exist.

Is Video Selling Really Such a Secret?

There’s no doubt that video is a powerful tool for selling. Yet, somehow, it remains underused.

The biggest barrier to video selling is, likely, intimidation. Reps are convinced that it’s hard and their bosses believe that it’s too expensive. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Bonjoro’s top-tier plan is just $45 a month and reps can record video from their smartphone or computer--no need to invest in a bunch of recording audio equipment or fancy lenses.

While it may take some time for sales reps to get comfortable on the camera, video selling is no harder than making cold calls or drafting an email—and the recipient is more likely to welcome a personal video than see it as an impersonal attempt to sell.

Start your free Bonjoro trial today to start personalizing your sales funnel.

Video tips
About the author
Oliver Bridge
Growth Grizzly
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