Best Employee Testimonial Questions That Attract Top Talent

Oliver Bridge

Do you want to improve your recruitment and attract top talent by showcasing the benefits of working in your company?

Testimonial videos from your employees are one of the best ways to achieve this goal, but you must find the right employee testimonial questions.

Research indicates that 75% of job seekers actively research a company's reputation before applying for a job, looking for positive experiences.

That's the role of great testimonial questions: highlight the best aspects of your company and provide authentic insights for people working there.

In this article, you will learn what employee testimonial questions are, how to create the perfect ones, and where to share them to get the best results.

What are Employee Testimonials?

Employee testimonials are stories from workers about their experiences at a company.

They talk about what it's like to work there, the culture, and how they feel about their job. 

These stories are usually in the form of videos, but they can be in written or even social media posts.

They give real-life glimpses into the workplace from the people who know it best and work there.

Companies use these testimonials to show potential employees what makes their workplace special.

It helps attract great talent who want to join because they like what they hear from current staff.

This approach is key to find top-tier talent as more people look for jobs that make them happy and keep them engaged.

Why Are Employee Testimonials So Important?

How many times before going to a new restaurant or hotel have you carefully looked at the reviews of the place?

Future employees do the same when checking your company.

54% of candidates read employees' reviews, with 55% even turning down a job offer after encountering negative reviews.

Testimonial videos are the perfect way to promote your workplace culture, which is now a top priority for anyone looking for a new job. 

People no longer just want an interesting salary; they need an environment where they can grow, feel valued, and be happy, led by a real leader.

Sharing stories directly from those who work there offers an opportunity to understand the atmosphere of that company.

It's powerful because it's a real, unfiltered insight that you can't get from a job description or corporate website alone.

Nowadays, good talents are hard to find, and having happy and productive employees could be your trump card. 

Their words and testimonials can attract more great people by showcasing genuine experiences and growth opportunities within the company.

This creates a win-win situation: current staff feel heard and appreciated when their feedback helps shape recruitment strategies, while potential candidates get genuine glimpses of working for your company.

Top Questions to Ask for Employee Testimonials

If you want this strategy to work, you need to use the right questions.

A common problem is using the wrong questions, which prevents employees from expressing themselves as they would like.

Here are the best employee testimonial questions to give job seekers a realistic view of your company.

N.B. If you need a tool for collecting employee testimonials give Bonjoro a try - you can collect unlimited written testimonials and 10 video testimonials on their free plan.

About responsibilities

Talking about responsibilities gives employees a chance to share what they do day-to-day.

This can reveal much about the company culture and how roles fit into bigger goals.

Ask your employees to describe their main duties, who they work with, and how their work impacts the company.

  • "Could you tell me a bit about yourself, what you do here, and how long you've been on the team?"
  • "Think back to when you first started at [your company name]. How have your responsibilities evolved, and what kind of growth opportunities have you experienced?"
  • "Can you describe a specific project or task where you felt your work had a significant impact on the company?"
  • "What aspects of your role at [your company name] have challenged you the most? How has the company supported you in overcoming those challenges?"

These questions allow the employee to describe his role and share some experiences relevant to anyone interested in working for your company.

They will also explain how the company behaves in challenging situations and how it supports its team.

It’s a great way for prospective employees to see where they might fit in and how they can grow with your team.

A typical day

Everyone wonders what a typical day might be like in a particular company.

This insight is invaluable for job candidates because it helps them mentally visualize themselves as members of your company.

90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, emphasizing the brain's reliance on visual processing for understanding and interpreting data

They get a real sense of the work environment and if it fits their idea of a great workplace.

  • "Walk me through a typical workday at [your company name]. What are some of the different tasks and projects you tackle?"
  • "Who do you collaborate with most often in your role, and how does that collaboration impact your daily work?"
  • "How much flexibility do you have in your daily routine to address unexpected situations or new opportunities?"

It's not only about the salary anymore; employees are looking for flexibility, remote working, autonomy, and collaboration with colleagues in a stimulating but peaceful environment.

Nobody wants to work in a toxic workplace or do the same boring things every day.

Such testimonial questions help attract top talent by showing that this isn't just another job; it's an opportunity to join a vibrant community where every day offers something new.

What excites them about work

We spend between 8 and 10 hours a day at work; who wants to spend all this time bored or hating what they're doing?

It’s all about what makes them look forward to Mondays instead of Fridays.

These questions shed light on workplace culture and management practices that make staff happy, engaged, and loyal.

  • "What aspects of your role at [your company name] motivate you to learn and develop new skills?"
  • "What opportunities does your role provide to be creative and develop innovative solutions?"
  • "Can you describe a time when you felt your work had a real impact on the company or its customers?"

Sharing these stories lets prospective candidates see the vibrant side of your company.

It’s a great chance to highlight how your organization supports personal and professional development, which is key to a stimulating environment.

Reservations before joining

People often worry before they start a new job, and that's normal; we are all scared to step out of our comfort zone!

In fact, over 98% of people tend to stay within their comfort zones, increasing their insecurity and fear of change.

The same goes for a new job; they might think it won't fit their skills or life well, a typical example of a perfectionist procrastinator.

We can learn a lot by asking employees what initially made them hesitant.

  • "Looking back, were there any reservations you had about joining [your company name] before you started?"
  • "How did [your company name] alleviate any initial anxieties you might have had about starting in this position?"
  • "What advice would you give to someone considering a role at [your company name] to help them manage their expectations?"

Talking about these doubts helps future workers see the real picture.

These powerful employee testimonial questions help them feel their feelings are normal, and everyone would be scared to take on a new challenge.

Tips for Collecting Employee Testimonials

What is the secret to formulating effective employee testimonials?

Understand the key elements that must always be considered when interviewing your employees!

Here are some key tips you should always remember to get great results.

When it comes to collecting the your testimonials, use Bonjoro - you can create testimonial request links to collect written and video testimonials from your employees with ease.

Use open-ended questions

Open-ended questions let employees share more about their experiences and feelings.

They allow them to express what they think without simply answering with a "yes" or "no". 

Furthermore, you avoid dangerous leading questions, which would not give you concrete feedback

This way, we hear real stories that show what it's like to be part of the team.

On the other hand, try to avoid  closed questions; it's the best way to show that you're not trying to answer the answers, but you want to have as many details as possible

Encourage specifics and numbers

Statistics and numbers in employee testimonials add a layer of trust.

Facts and data help paint a clear picture.

For example, saying, "Our team improved sales by 30% last quarter" tells more than just "We did great last quarter" 

It shows success in real terms, and people are looking for real data and statistics.

Specifics like these make the story reliable and credible.

Numbers speak louder than vague statements.

They provide potential hires with concrete reasons to choose you over others.

Allow for repetition

In collecting employee testimonials, you should ask some questions again differently.

This helps get more detailed stories from employees, especially if you interview people with different roles

They might share new insights or exciting parts of their work they didn't think of the first time.

With this method, you make sure not to miss out on valuable details that can make your content stand out.

It's also a great way to demonstrate that your questions and their answers aren't fake but that you're asking for honest employee feedback, one of the best real-life examples of accountability in the workplace.

Plus, this approach helps create powerful employee video testimonial pieces, which are key to attracting top talent and enhancing recruitment marketing efforts.

How to Use Employee Testimonials Effectively

Creating the right employee testimonial questions is half the battle, but you must also know how to use them effectively! 

Here are some tips which will help you get the best results

Share your testimonials videos through the right channels

Choosing the right places to share your testimonial videos is key.

Think about where potential employees hang out online.

LinkedIn, sure, but also consider YouTube, Twitter, and even Instagram or TikTok.

These channels are perfect for showing off what people like about their jobs and giving a sneak peek into what it's like to work at your company. 

Embed these testimonials on your website too, especially on the "Work for us" page or in blog posts about life at the company. 

This way, when someone is digging around trying to learn more about what you do and who you are, they see real employees talking up their experiences.

It adds a layer of trust and makes everything feel more genuine.

After all, seeing a real person share their story beats just reading about reading a classic review.

Incorporating testimonials in onboarding and recruitment

You have precious employee testimonial videos; why not use them in your onboarding and recruitment processes? 

It shows new hires what it's really like to work at your company.

They get a feel for the culture and can see themselves fitting in.

By sharing genuine employee experiences on your website, social media, and job platforms, companies attract people who truly want to be there. 

These stories give prospective employees a peek into daily responsibilities and workplace vibes before they even apply, making them eager to join the team.

Using testimonials for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts

Employee testimonials spotlight your company's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

They tell the world that you're not just talking the talk—you're walking the walk.

By sharing stories from employees of different backgrounds, you show how everyone has a voice and an equal shot at success in your workplace.

This can attract talent who value DEI and want to be part of an inclusive culture.

Ask employees about their experiences with your company's DEI efforts.

"How do you see yourself represented?"

"What actions does the company take to ensure fairness?"

Answers to these questions make powerful social posts or parts of testimonial videos.

They show applicants and customers alike that inclusion is a living, breathing part of your culture.

Tailoring questions based on company goals and use cases

To get persuasive employee testimonial videos, consider what your company wants to achieve.

If attracting the best talent is a goal, ask employees how the workplace culture helped them grow.

For companies focusing on innovation, questions could explore how employees contribute to new ideas.

This way, each testimonial highlights aspects of your company and builds trust.

This approach lets potential candidates see exactly what it’s like to work with you from real people who do.


Employee testimonial questions are a powerful tool for increasing your company's reputation and making your employees feel important and listened to.

A work environment with transparency and listening means having happy and productive people.

And as a result, attracting motivated workers who value these principles will be much easier.

If you aren't already doing it, start implementing employee testimonial videos to increase your company's perception!

Growth tips
About the author
Oliver Bridge
Growth Grizzly
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